A propos de “The Little Old Sod Shanty On The Claim”

“The Little Old Sod Shanty On The Claim” évoque les déboires d’un jeune immigrant célibataire sans soucis {bachelor so gay}  venu  s’installer, autrefois, dans les Grandes Plaines de l’Ouest des Etats-Unis. Un colon d’Amérique. Un pionnier. Un métayer qui rencontre des conditions de vie précaires et hostiles. Il habite une petite cabane au milieu de sa ferme, {old sod shanty on my claim} qui le  protège insuffisamment du vent glacial du Nord{howling blizzard} .Les vivres parfois lui sont insuffisantes  {my vittles are not always served the best}. Finalement, tout ceci se révelle peu de chose comparé au gain de la liberté qu’il trouve dans l’Ouest{ I wouldn’t give the freedom that I have out in the West for the table of the Eastern man’s old home}.Et il espère bien rencontrer, un jour, une jeune fille, humble et courageuse, { Still I wish that some kind hearted girl would pity on me take…}et avec elle fonder un foyer, leur foyer.


“The Little Old Sod Shanty On The Claim”

Cpl1)  I’m looking rather seedy now while holding down my claim, and my vittles are not always served the best. And the mice play shyly round me as I nestle down to rest, In my little old sod shanty in the West.

Ref)   Oh, the hinges are of leather and the windows have no glass; the boards they let the howling blizzard in. You can see the hungry coyote as he slinks up in the grass, round my little old sod shanty in my claim.

Cpl2)  I rather like the novelty of living in this way, though my bill of fare is always rather tame. But I’m happy has a clam in the land of Uncle Sam, in my little old sod shanty on my claim

Cpl3)  Oh, when I left my Eastern home a bachelor so gay, to try and wind my way to wealth and fame, I little thought I’d come down to burning twisted hay, in the little old sod shanty on my claim.

Cpl4)  My clothes are plastered o’er with dough, I’m looking like a fright and ev’rything is scattered ‘roud the room. But I wouldn’t give the freedom that I have out in the West for the table of the Eastern man’s old home.

Cpl5) Still I wish that some kind hearted girl would pity on me take and relieve me from the mess that I am in.The angel how I’d bless her if this her home she’d make, in the little old sod shanty on my claim.

Cpl6)  And if kindly fate should bless us with, now and then, an heir to cheer our hearts with honest pride and fame. Oh, then we’d be contented for the toil that we had spent, in the little old sod shanty on our claim.


L’association Carre-Rond invite Lino Marty  le dimanche 11 novembre 2018. Au programme: Chansons traditionnelles d’Amérique du Nord  et chansons de Bob Dylan. A partir de 16h. Estaminet de la Ferme d’en Haut, quartier Flers-Bourg deVilleneuve d’Ascq